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Série Biblioteca a distância, sugestões para estudo e leitura: Coleção Epidemiológica da base científica SIAM- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Publicado: Terça, 13 de Abril de 2021, 10h00 | Última atualização em Terça, 13 de Abril de 2021, 10h03 | Acessos: 766

Com a intenção de continuamente promover a leitura, estudo e pesquisa a Biblioteca do IFSP São Roque irá, durante o período de pandemia, sugerir livros literários, científicos, bases de dados com artigos para incentivar a leitura e estudo dos alunos e servidores.

Nessa nova sugestão para leitura, estudo e pesquisa, divulgamos a coleção epidemiológica da base de dados científica SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics).

A Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) possui periódicos nas áreas de Matemática, Ciência da Computação e Ciência de Dados (Data Science). Mais abaixo nesta postagem há detalhes de como acessar os periódicos em uma forma mais ampla através do vínculo com o IFSP. 

Um destaque especial deve ser feito sobre o repositório científico. Uma coleção de epidemiologia foi disponibilizada gratuitamente pela SIAM, em resposta ao surto do novo coronavírus SARS-CoV-2 e à doença associada COVID-19. A base espera que este conteúdo sobre epidemiologia, modelagem de doenças, pandemias e vacinas ajude na luta rápida contra este problema global. A coleção pode ser acessada através do link Os artigos também são divulgados abaixo, os mesmos estão em inglês.


Latest COVID-19 content (Updated March 5, 2021)

• An Alternative System for Curbing COVID-19 Spread in the U.S.

• A Mathematical Model to Support Hospital Workflow Management During a Pandemic

• A Model to Predict COVID-19 Epidemics with Applications to South Korea, Italy, and Spain

• Choosing Intervention Strategies During an Emerging Epidemic

• COVID-19: Models, Mathematics, and Myths

• Deep Learning for COVID-19 Diagnosis

• First-principles Machine Learning for COVID-19 Modeling

• The Impact of Human Mobility on Disease Spread

• Math and AI-based Repositioning of Existing Drugs for COVID-19

• Mathematicians Quickly Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic

• Metapopulation Model Accounts for Asymptomatic Spread of COVID-19

• Modelling Global Outbreaks and Proliferation of COVID-19

• Modeling Resource Demands and Constraints for COVID-19 Intervention Strategies

• Modeling the Spread of COVID-19

• Networked Epidemiology for COVID-19

• The Forensics of Emerging Diseases

• The Mathematics of Mass Testing for COVID-19

• Networks-Fractional Calculus Alliance versus COVID-19

• Questions of Responsibility: Modelling in the Age of COVID-19

• Structure-based Drug Discovery and Ensemble Docking for SARS-COV-2 Proteins

• Understanding the Global Impact of COVID-19 through Data Science

• Utilizing Shields to Curb COVID-19’s Second Wave


Further SIAM epidemiology content

 A Bound of Convergence Rate in Weak Law of Large Numbers for Epidemic Process

 A Delay Reaction-Diffusion Model of the Spread of Bacteriophage Infection

 A Diffusion Model for AIDS in a Closed, Heterosexual Population: Examining Rates of Infection

 A Hepatitis B and C Virus Model with Age since Infection that Exhibits Backward Bifurcation

 A Limit Distribution of the Duration of an Epidemic

 A Mathematical Model of the Spread of Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) Through a Highly Heterogeneous Spatial Domain

• A Method to Deal With the Critical Case in Stochastic Population Dynamics

 A Model for Viral Genome Packing

 A Multipatch Malaria Model with Logistic Growth Populations

 A Nonlocal and Time-Delayed Reaction-Diffusion Model of Dengue Transmission

 A Reaction-Diffusion Lyme Disease Model with Seasonality

 A School-Oriented, Age-Structured Epidemic Model

 A Stochastic Differential Equation SIS Epidemic Model

 A Stochastic Model of a Nonhomogeneous Carrier-Borne Epidemic

 A Vaccination Model for Transmission Dynamics of Influenza

 A West Nile Virus Transmission Model with Periodic Incubation Periods

 An Advection and Age-Structured Approach to Modeling Bird Migration and Indirect Transmission of Avian Influenza

 An Age-Structured Epidemic Model in a Patchy Environment

 An Epidemic Model with Population Dispersal and Infection Period

 An Exploration and Simulation of Epidemic Spread and its Control in Multiplex Networks

 Analysis of a Reaction-Diffusion System Modeling Man--Environment--Man Epidemics

 Analysis of an Antimicrobial Resistance Transmission Model

 Analysis of Combined Langerhans and CD4+ T Cells HIV Infection

 Analysis of Hepatitis C Virus Infection Models with Hepatocyte Homeostasis

 Analytical and Numerical Results for the Age-Structured S-I-S Epidemic Model with Mixed Inter-Intracohort Transmission

 Analytical Study of Optimal Control Intervention Strategies for Ebola Epidemic Model

 Applying Regular Perturbation Analysis to HCV Viral Load Equations*

 Approximation Algorithms for Reducing the Spectral Radius to Control Epidemic Spread

 Asymptotic Behavior and Numerical Simulations for an Infection Load-Structured Epidemiological Model: Application to the Transmission of Prion Pathologies

 Asymptotic Behavior of Some Deterministic Epidemic Models

 Asymptotic Control for a Class of Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes Associated to Temperate Viruses

 Asymptotic Profiles of Basic Reproduction Number for Epidemic Spreading in Heterogeneous Environment

 Asymptotic Profiles of the Steady States for an SIS Epidemic Patch Model

 Avian Influenza Dynamics Under Periodic Environmental Conditions

 Basic Reproduction Numbers for Reaction-Diffusion Epidemic Models

 Behavior Changes in SIS STD Models with Selective Mixing

• Bifurcation Analysis of a Generalized Impulsive Kolmogorov Model With Applications to Pest and Disease Control

 Bifurcation Analysis of a Mathematical Model for Malaria Transmission

 Bifurcation Analysis of an SIRS Epidemic Model with Generalized Incidence

 Bioterrorism: Mathematical Modeling Applications in Homeland Security (Full e-book)

 Branching Process Approximation of Epidemic Models

 Budgeted Maximum Coverage with Overlapping Costs: Monitoring the Emerging Infections Network*

 Can Pathogen Spread Keep Pace with its Host Invasion?

 Case Study: Models of Infection: Person to Person

 Case Study: More Models of Infection: It's Epidemic

 Classification of Asymptotic Behavior in a Stochastic SIR Model

 Coexistence of Limit Cycles and Homoclinic Loops in a SIRS Model with a Nonlinear Incidence Rate

 Competitive Exclusion and Coexistence of Multiple Strains in an SIS STD Model

 Conditions for Transient Viremia in Deterministic in-Host Models: Viral Blips Need No Exogenous Trigger

 Control Strategies for TB Epidemics

 Controlling Propagation of Epidemics via Mean-Field Control

 Cooperative Epidemic Spreading on a Two-Layered Interconnected Network

 Coupled Parabolic and Hyperbolic Equations Modeling Age-Dependent Epidemic Dynamics with Nonlinear Diffusion

 DAVA: Distributing Vaccines over Networks under Prior Information

 Demographic Change and Persistence of HIV/AIDS in a Heterogeneous Population

 Developing a model from the ground up: Case study of the spread of an infection

 Discrete-Time SIS EpidemicModel in a Seasonal Environment

 Dynamic Control of Modern, Network-Based Epidemic Models

• Dynamic Mode Decomposition: Data-Driven Modeling of Complex Systems (Full e-book)

 Dynamics of a Time-Delayed Lyme Disease Model with Seasonality

 Dynamics of Two-Strain Influenza with Isolation and Partial Cross-Immunity

 Early HIV Infection Predictions: Role of Viral Replication Errors

 Effective Motion of a Virus Trafficking Inside a Biological Cell

 Effects of Randomness of Risk Factors on the HIV Epidemic in Homosexual Populations

 Endemic Bubbles Generated by Delayed Behavioral Response: Global Stability and Bifurcation Switches in an SIS Model

 Endemic Models with Arbitrarily Distributed Periods of Infection I: Fundamental Properties of the Model

 Endemic Models with Arbitrarily Distributed Periods of Infection II: Fast Disease Dynamics and Permanent Recovery

 Endemic Thresholds and Stability in a Class of Age-Structured Epidemics

 Epidemic Estimation with Removal Time Data

 Epidemic Models

 Epidemic Outbreaks in Networks with Equitable or Almost-Equitable Partitions

 Epidemic Spread and Variation of Peak Times in Connected Regions Due to Travel-Related Infections---Dynamics of an Antigravity-Type Delay Differential Model

 Epidemiological Consequences of Imperfect Vaccines for Immunizing Infections

 Epidemiological Models for Mutating Pathogens


 Equivalence of the Erlang-Distributed SEIR Epidemic Model and the Renewal Equation

 Estimation of Induction Distributions with Doubly Censored Data and Application to AIDS

 Existence and Dynamics of Strains in a Nonlocal Reaction-Diffusion Model of Viral Evolution

 Final Probabilities for a Branching Process with Interaction of Particles and an Epidemic Process

 Final Size of an Epidemic for a Two-Group SIR Model

• Finding Strategies to Regulate Propagation and Containment of Dengue via Invariant Manifold Analysis

 Fractional Immunization in Networks

 Global Behavior of a Multi-Group SIR Epidemic Model with Age Structure and an Application to the Chlamydia Epidemic in Japan

 Global Behavior of an Age-Structured Epidemic Model

 Global Dynamics of a General Class of Multistage Models for Infectious Diseases

 Global Dynamics of an SEIR Epidemic Model with Vertical Transmission

 Global Results for an Epidemic Model with Vaccination that Exhibits Backward Bifurcation

 Global Solution for a Diffusive Nonlinear Deterministic Epidemic Model

 Global Stability for a Virus Dynamics Model with Nonlinear Incidence of Infection and Removal

 Global Stability of a Nonlinear Viral Infection Model with Infinitely Distributed Intracellular Delays and CTL Immune Responses

 Global Stability of Infectious Disease Models Using Lyapunov Functions

 Global Stability of Virus Spreading in Complex Heterogeneous Networks

 Hidden Hazards: Finding Missing Nodes in Large Graph Epidemics

 Hierarchical Mixed-Effects Model for HIV Dynamics

 Hopf Bifurcation in a System of Functional Equations Modeling the Spread of an Infectious Disease

 Host Demographic Allee Effect, Fatal Disease, and Migration: Persistence or Extinction

• How Does Dispersal Affect the Infection Size?

 How May Infection-Age-Dependent Infectivity Affect the Dynamics of HIV/AIDS?

 Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Quasi-Species and Drug Resistance

 Impact of Intracellular Delays and Target-Cell Dynamics on In Vivo Viral Infections

 In the Garden of Branching Processes

 Learning Feature Dependencies for Noise Correction in Biomedical Prediction

 Longtime Behavior of Solutions of a SIS Epidemiological Model

 Long-Term Analysis of a Stochastic SIRS Model with General Incidence Rates

 Lyapunov Functionals for Delay Differential Equations Model of Viral Infections

 Mathematical Analysis of Age?Structured HIV?1 Dynamics with Combination Antiretroviral Therapy

 Mathematical Analysis of HIV-1 Dynamics in Vivo

 Mathematical Modelling

• Mathematical Modeling for Schistosomiasis with Seasonal Influence: A Case Study in Hubei, China

 Mathematical Models and the Design of Public Health Policy: Hiv and Antiviral Therapy

 Mathematical Models for Communicable Diseases (Full e-book)

 Mathematical Models in Biology (Full e-book)

 Modeling HIV-1 Virus Dynamics with Both Virus-to-Cell Infection and Cell-to-Cell Transmission

 Modeling Intervention Measures and Severity-Dependent Public Response during Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Outbreak

 Modeling Memory Effects in Activity-Driven Networks

 Modeling Pharmacodynamics on HIV Latent Infection: Choice of Drugs is Key to Successful Cure via Early Therapy

 Modeling the Early Steps of Cytoplasmic Trafficking in Viral Infection and Gene Delivery

 Modeling the Effect of Public Health Campaigns on the Spread of Aids

 Modeling the Effectiveness of Isolation Strategies in Preventing STD Epidemics

 Modeling the Transmission of Wolbachia in Mosquitoes for Controlling Mosquito-Borne Diseases

 Multiscale Flux-Based Modeling of Biofilm Communities

 Nonlinear Oscillations in Epidemic Models

 Nonzero Solutions of Nonlinear Integral Equations Modeling Infectious Disease

 Numerical Analysis of a Model for the Spread of HIV/AIDS

 Occurrence vs. Absence of Taxis-Driven Instabilities in a May--Nowak Model for Virus Infection

 On a Diffusive Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible Epidemic Model with Mass Action Mechanism and Birth-Death Effect: Analysis, Simulations, and Comparison with Other Mechanisms

 On a Network Model of Two Competitors With Applications to the Invasion and Competition of Aedes Albopictus and Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes in the United States

 On Identifiability of Nonlinear ODE Models and Applications in Viral Dynamics

 On the Basic Reproduction Number of Reaction-Diffusion Epidemic Models

 On the Distribution of the Size of an Epidemicin a Non-Markovian Model

 Optimal Containment of Epidemics over Temporal Activity-Driven Networks

 Optimal control strategies for reducing the number of active infected individuals with tuberculosis*

 Optimal Releases for Population Replacement Strategies: Application to Wolbachia

 Optimal Vaccination Patterns in Age-Structured Populations

 Periodic Solutions for a Reaction-Diffusion System Modelling the Spread of a Class of Epidemics

 Perturbation and Maximum Number of Infectives of Some SIR Epidemic Models

 Predictive Modeling with Heterogeneous Sources

 Reproduction Numbers and the Stability of Equilibria of SI Models for Heterogeneous Populations

 Rich Bifurcation Structure in a Two-Patch Vaccination Model

• Risk-Dependent Centrality in Economic and Financial Networks

 SIR-Network Model and Its Application to Dengue Fever

 Some Vector Borne Diseases with Structured Host Populations: Extinction and Spatial Spread

 Sparse Representation for HIV-1 Protease Drug Resistance Prediction*

 Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of a Nonlocal Viral Infection Model

 Spatial Invasion Threshold of Lyme Disease

 Stability Analysis of Delay Models in Biosciences

 Stability and Bifurcation for a Multiple-Group Model for the Dynamics of HIV/AIDS Transmission

 Stability and Sensitivity Analysis of the iSIR Model for Indirectly Transmitted Infectious Diseases with Immunological Threshold

 Stochastic Analysis of Pre- and Postexposure Prophylaxis against HIV Infection

 Stochastic Simulation Models for Two Immunization Problems

 Taxis-driven Formation of Singular Hotspots in a May--Nowak Type Model for Virus Infection

 The Asymptotic Analysis of a Stochastic Model of an Epidemic

 The Complete Classification for Dynamics in a Nine-Dimensional West Nile Virus Model

 The Interaction of Migratory Birds and Domestic Poultry and Its Role in Sustaining Avian Influenza

 The Law of Large Numbers for the Number of Active Particles in an Epidemic Model

 The Mathematics of Infectious Diseases

 The Role of Coinfection in Multidisease Dynamics

 The Spread and Quarantine of HIV Infection in a Prison System

 Theories of Epidemics

 Travel Frequency and Infectious Diseases

 Traveling Waves for a Class of Diffusive Disease-Transmission Models with Network Structures

 Turning Points And Relaxation Oscillation Cycles in Simple Epidemic Models

 Two-Group Infection Age Model Including an Application to Nosocomial Infection

 Use of the Back-Projection Method for Predictions of the Australian Aids Epidemic

 Validating an Assay of Viral Contamination

 Viral Blips May Not Need a Trigger: How Transient Viremia Can Arise in Deterministic In-Host Models

 Virus Dynamics: A Global Analysis


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